Sunday, August 14, 2011

Panama Pictures Day 2

                                                            Waiting for church to begin
                                                          The Kuna church building
                                                           Kira got called up to sing
                                    Basketball court under roof where we played with the kids
                                                           Kira drawing with chalk
                                                       Taylor giving her testimony
                                                Jeremiah and David with their buddies
                                                        Meg and her little buddy
                                                            Shooting hoops
                                                           Jeremiah and Rosa


  1. This is Aunt Terri - as several of you know me.
    For those of who don't Taylor and Jeremiah will be happy to introduce me.
    I have been truly blessed by following your blog and seeing the pictures you have posted - you are doing the Lord's work and he is blessing so many people through your devotion and commitment.
    I need to take just a few words and share my feelings about my dearest nephew Taylor - sweetie, you are truly an amazing young man. Please know that I love you and ALWAYS have your back.
    And Jeremiah - you can not imagine how much you have blessed me these last few months. I am so grateful to our Lord that I have gotten to know you and you must know that I care about you as I would if you were my own son.
    But all of you are so very special - please know that God is with you always and there are MANY prayers that are being said in support and love for all you are doing this week.
    Lean on each other and lean on your Lord.
    Love you all dearly, Aunt Terri

  2. Love you too Aunt Terri. Tell mom I love her also and that we all are having a fun time reading your comments :p. See you all soon.---Taylor
