Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 4: Embera Village

So this whole trip I've been freestyling funny occasions that have happened the last couple of days regarding individuals in the group. Since it was my turn to do the blog, the group agreed to have me write a funny poem of our adventures today. I hope you enjoy!

We began the day, tired for our adventure. 
Cause Jeremiah took forever to put on his dentures. 
The bus ride was long, tiring and boring.
Even through our ear phones we heard coach Van Pelt snoring. 
A boat ride to the village, but we weren't sailing. 
We saw a sinking canoe behind us with Wes in there bailing. 
Surrounded by blue butterflys, gators and lush vegetation. 
We all experienced wetness with the heavy precipitation. 
3 on 3 time, it was a great game to see. 
The little tribesman wrecked Bubbie into the tree. 
See, we experienced many things... Like playing baseball with the kids, 
We filtered the village's water buckets and capped it with a lid. 
They were thankful for our filters and Amy's presentation. 
Did you know Wes calls himself the "song bird of our generation?" 
They brought us lunch consisting of Tilapia and plantains. 
Walking barefoot around the village caused everyone major foot pain. 
The kids were wonderful, they could do no wrong. 
Turned around and saw an old man in nothing but a tribal thong. 
Derek was bombing baseballs, and Megan was throwing passes. 
Kira and David slipped and fell on their.....butts. 
While Wes was dropping back, and evading sacks. 
Zach was catching passes from his favorite quarterback. 
Tribal dancing in a hut made of palm leaves and lumber, Jeremiah danced with a tribeswoman... 
I think he got her number. 
Jeremiah found a monkey, and fed it some food. 
Kira met a missionary who was a pretty cool dude. 
Speaking of Kira, she visited a bathroom with walls too short to begin. 
Everything was great, until Bubbie Dean walked in. 
Amy still has skills, VP was shot-calling. 4 on 4 girls, Taylor Miller was balling. 
The day was summed up with a long baseball game, 
The kids vs us, a victory to claim. And even though we lost, a mutual feeling was the same. 
We were all on the same team, praising God's name. 
Before we headed back we took a dive in the river. 
That water was freezing, I know everyone shivered.
Headed back to the house, for some ping pong games
Derek and Taylor beat everyone, while me and meg lost every game (0-10)
Some went for Icecream and brought like a pound...
While SOME went missing, no where to be found!
Thank you Lord for the opportunity to minister at our best. 
We changed lives today, I know that village is blessed. 
All in all, I learned a lesson from it though. 
They never saw us coming, cause only God knows 
That when we give to a less fortunate adult or child, 
We make God proud, as He looks down and smiles. 

We had a great time today with the people of the Embera Tribe and the kids were awesome to be around and play with. Distributing filters to them and watching how appreciative they were, was such a great feeling to all of us. Hope you enjoyed the post for today (I know it was late). Have a blessed night!
God is Love.

David Fernandez #24


  1. David - what a FANTASTIC post!! You have the gift of expressing yourself in a very interesting way! Not quite sure it will make a best seller :) but you get the message across and I certainly had a few chuckles while reading it. I also think I'm going to have a few questions that may need answered - about dentures, dancing and bathroom privacy just for starters. :)
    Well, thank you for sharing your creative side - you are a blessing.
    Good night all - May God continue to bless, Love Aunt Terri

  2. Oh Gosh, too funny! As I read your blog David I was trying to rap it in my mind...it was actually pretty easy to do! You are really quite good Florida son.
    Somehow I think you all are keeping some secrets from us back home! I'll have to have both the bathroom episode and the tree episode explained to me later please - :)
    Only a few days left...keep up the great work ALL of you. Thank you SO much for keeping in touch with your family and friends through the blog...it is an incredible "lifeline" for those that love you and hold you close when your far away.
    Love you all,
    dawn groff

  3. Pops, we are so very proud of you. reading your poem clearly reflects your state of mind and its clear that you are in a wonderful state. i sense the the lords flame has been reignited in your soul and it couldn't come in a better time. We love you very much and miss you terribly. last night we advanced to the championship game which is tonight at 9pm.
    PS May the Lord continue work his way through all of you...
    PSS Alexis reads everyday, hint hint

    Love always, Pops
