Day three started with an 8 o clock wake up call from zach's phone; which us boys weren't feeling. As we strolled down to breakfast as a group of men, the ladies were already all but done with the pancake meal provided for us. After breakfast it was time for our first stop of the day; the Panama Canal.
While we were at the canal we saw some ships being lifted through the lock system. We also went through the museum there and watched a short movie about the canal. After the canal tour it was time for lunch at the mall the second of our destinations of the day. The mall was gigantic with four food courts and endless stores for shopping. Us boys departed on a voyage to find the bathrooms which took us the entire length of the mall to the last wall in the building in the fourth food court where we finally found the banos (bathroom).
After the mall we traveled to a river where we took a boat across to the indigenous' homeland. Upon arriving at the dock a small boy greeted us waiting to help us off the boat, he went by Mateo. The boat had to make 2 trips since it only fit 12 at a time. Once we were all together on the island we ventured into the first of three villages. We were showed jewelry and baskets and wooden objects of animals the people make to sell to visitors as a means of income. Once the whole village was under their central pavilion hut we began the water filtration demonstrations. Amy proceeded to introduce us and what we were doing while our translator relayed it to the tribe. Taylor drilled the first bucket for Amy to use in her demonstration. In the filter packet there is a drill bit to make a hole for the water to flow through the hose, filter and nozzle. The people were amazed at the simple yet highly effective process that turned their mucky, brown, and debris filled water into clear, parasite free drinking water. Even though most of us know some Spanish we cant pick up on the dialect the natives speak, but we were able to hear the excitement and astonishment in their voices when they saw Amy drinking the water. Every family in the village was notified upon our arrival to have a bucket, we then broke into groups of 2 to help each family set up a filter system. After a refreshing downpour of rain which the kids loved we proceeded into the jungle towards the second village. The trail was narrow, rocky, slick and wet. As many of us found out Jeremiah, John and Wes particularly it wasn't going to be a stroll in the park! Jeremiah and John each slipped and grab a thorn tree and Wes slipped and went straight down on his rear ending in a muddy mess with Coach Van Pelt laughing the whole time. Finally we made it to the second village where Taylor shared his testimony to the one family and we again passed out water filters to the families there. One of the families had a sick 5 yr old with fever and a few of the members of our team went into the hut to pray with her; Taylor M, Megan, Kira and Amy. As we moved down the path we came to the last house in the second village, we were offered Cokes for 45 cents each, Coach Van Pelt bought us each one and as you can see in the pictures they were consumed with much love and closeness in the sticky jungle. It was on to the third and last village, as we walked from village to village kids from each one ran along with us and by the time we came to the third village the majority of the children from all three villages were with us, which was ironic because it was made known to us that the villages dont care too greatly for one another but the kids didnt seem to care about the trivial matters between them as they played with the toys and games we handed out to them. Again we did water filters and helped the families there. Before we left the guys grabbed the children and held them into the rafters for them to do pullups from the beams. The children loved this and made it a competition to see who could do the most. On our way back through the villages to the river where our boat was we were stopped by a family who's daughter was returning home from a soccer game, she had injured her knee and was in need of help, Taylor and Coach Van Pelt went into the hut and brought her outside where David and Taylor proceeded to carry her to the dock to be picked up by our boat. Once we were all across the river and loaded up on the bus we returned home and the driver and our one host took the woman to the hospital to receive treatment on her knee. If you could keep Nora in your prayers with us as we are hopeful she will recover and heal quickly. Muchas gracias for your continued prayers and support as we go deeper into the land of Panama!
THE Baseball Guys- Zach, John and Wesley
P.S. Coach DeRiggs we miss you down here and wish you were along with us, continue healing up, we have you in our thoughts and prayers!!
Its early in the morning and the rest of my Ocean City New Jersey family is still in bed but I HAD to get up and check my computer for the latest blog! Baseball guys you did a super job explaining day 3 and the pictures were absolutely the best!
ReplyDeleteI can see that you all are meshing well as a team and I LOVE seeing my favorite basketball team arm in arm on the dock...It's a wonder you didn't have a pushing battle off the dock - it would have been a great opportunity for Clark Kent to save you! (love you Jeremiah!)
Who would have thought Coke would have tasted SO good right? I remember after my trip to Nicaragua all I wanted was a cheeseburger from McDonalds and a salad from our local Darrenkamps market! Makes you appreciate the simple things right?
Well it certainly sounds like you ALL are having a great experience and I just want to encourage you again to ask our Lord to use you every day ~ your bringing clean water, hope, and smiles to "the least of these" so you are actually serving the Creator of the universe...pretty cool opportunity huh?
Jeremiah, keep safe. David, keep one eye on Taylor for me, you're the best! Derek, really cool to see you in the pictures with your B-Ball buddies. Coach VanPelt you are doing a great job - thank you. And dearest Bubby, hope I am not embarrassing you with my posts...miss you so much and love you.
Hi, this is Aunt Terri.
ReplyDeleteAs my dearest sister shared above, she was the early riser this morning, but what she failed to mention was that at 12:30AM I had already read your post and seen the photos, because I knew I just couldn't wait until morning. :)
I am so blessed every time I read your postings and know how the Lord is using you to bless so many people.
I can honestly feel your compassion for everyone you are witnessing to as well as well ad your love and concern for each other.
The pictures are priceless - they truly represent your commitment to the Lord's work and will be memories for your to hold close for years to come.
Taylor - I see your strength as well as your love for your teammates in the pictures. I am so proud of you and love you very much.
Jeremiah - I hope your knee is doing OK. I continue to pray for healing every day and I know your gentleness and kindness is evident to all - especially the little children.
And to all of you - I hope I get to meet each of you sometime because you have all touched a special part of my heart.
May God keep you safe - love, Aunt Terri